Monday 29 December 2014

MyWellness Challenge – January – Calorie Burners

Get your new and existing members pumped up this January with a calorie burning challenge…

Who can burn the most calories? Prizes of t-shirts/1 month’s membership/PT sessions will be given to the highest achievers.

Type:  Calorie
Won by:  The member who burns the most calories
Start Date:  1 January
Duration:  20 days
Prizes:  With (to be confirmed in club)

Tuesday 16 December 2014

I've said hello 5 times, what next?

I've said hello lots of times now to a bunch of members, and it's all good, but I don't know what to say next? I need to step it up, what do I say other than hello?

"Hello" is a great place to start, but you do need to move on after you've said it a few times to the same members. This is why programme reviews are a good excuse to interact.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

They don't want an induction

Part of the GGFaqs series, handling objections from new members who've just signed up...

A new member says they've been going to the gym for ever, and don't want to do an induction. We can't make them, but we know people stay longer if they've had an induction...

Yes, in general members who have a getting started session stay longer, and if you want to be very honest with the new member, you could start by telling them that (after all, they don't want to leave yet, they just joined!)

Tuesday 2 December 2014

How can I speak to them when they're all wearing headphones?

We're switching the GGFaqs section into an objection handling series through December and January. Not sales objections... there's lots and lots of people handling those already. We want to help instructors to overcome the objections (often their own) with talking to members. We already do this in our retention workshops, but want to spread the ideas wider afield, and get your thoughts too!

Let's kick off with a classic - "Everyone's wearing headphones, which means they don't want to be disturbed, right?"

The answer - "Maybe, but how can you be sure?"